
by Piorko



Obrazkowo combines access to websites with memes, pictures, motivators etc.

Obrazkowo allows you to display in one application up-to-date content from various most popular websites with pictures, demotivators, motivators, memes, gifs, etc. If you like watching memes, comics, quizzes, videos, you will surely love this application.The application is designed for all Internet users, among whom you can find both big fans of memes and people who only like to view current pictures on the web from time to time. Thanks to this application you will be able to view on your phone in one place publications from many websites that interest you - summing up more conveniently, faster and more. Using the application is extremely easy and consists in selecting the name of the website to be displayed from the side menu.Currently, you can display the following websites: demotywatory, wiocha, komixxy, bezuzyteczna, chamsko, ujarani, besty, student potrafi, mistrzowie, fabryka memow, faktopedia, kiep, piekielni, joe monster, wykresy, yafud, hopaj, repostuj, wspaniali, jajco, motokiller, jbzd, bezlitosne, pudelek, wikary, wyznajemy, memy piłkarskie, paczaj, strefa beki, 9gag, pozytywniej, jajami o asfalt, bajzels, pewex, sportowe memy, motywujemy, blasty. You can display mainly Polish websites.If youve never watched any of the sites, maybe it will become your favorite?Your favorite internet image source isnt here or you have any suggestions - let us know and well try to improve the app.The most important functionalities of the application are:- the ability to quickly change the selected website to be displayed from the side panel;- the ability to share selected content directly from the application, without redirecting to the source;- the ability to redirect to the source of the selected content.03/20/2022- Optimizing network connections03/18/2022- Libraries update

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Po zmianie telefonu z Galaxy S10 na S22 Ultra wideo ma opóźnienie w stosunku do audio. Dźwięk staruje od razu, a obraz po kilku sekundach. Po restarcie telefonu tylko przez chwilę wszystko jest ok. Co mogę zrobić?


Some elevator music starts playing on my phone even after closing the app uninstalled


Aplikacja od pewnej aktualizacji jak się tylko włączy zaczną puszczać dziwną muzyczkę i wyłącza ją tylko jeśli zrobię force stop aplikacji.


Po aktualizacji wlacza sie niesamowicie denerwujaca muzyka. Gra nawet Po wyjsciu z aplikacji. Myslalem ze to jakis wirus. Usuwam tego "wirusa"

Mi Pad

The best app ever!



svenenem olaffson


Artur Msk

Great app

Ania Nowakowska


lulu'ah h


Rafal Kolendo